When you click the Dictionary Button, an icon-sized button depicting a hand opening a dictionary, pop-up menus give you instant access to Mangia! ’s Dictionary, letting you easily select Terms for use in recipes or searching for recipes. Anywhere you see a Dictionary Button, click and hold on it to see your menu of choices. Some parts of the Dictionary, such as the ingredients and Nationalities, will show you a hierarchical menu, with items showing a right-facing arrow at the left to indicate that there is another menu “under” that item. (For example, the “fruit” item on the ingredients menu has a submenu that includes “apples,” “apricots,” etc.) After you hold the mouse on the hierarchical item for a second or two, its submenu will appear. You can select from any item on any menu, whether it has a submenu or not. If you find it annoying to have to hold the mouse button down while navigating through the levels of menus, you can use the Preferences dialog and check the Sticky Menus box. This changes the behavior of the Dictionary Button: instead of clicking down and holding, you just click and release. The menu will pop up and stay up even without the mouse button down and persist until you click again. Click on an item to select it, or click outside the menu to just make it go away. In most of these menus, there is a “none of the above” item at the end that reads something like New . This is your choice if the term you want is not available on the menu. Selecting this item will bring up a dialog which lets you provide a new term for inclusion in the Dictionary. If you want to modify an existing term (its spelling, its categorization, etc.), select Edit Dictionary... on the Edit menu. Editing the Dictionary is a Help topic under Editing.